IT-Services Trends Mid-Market Germany Study

New! IT-Services Trends Mid-Market Germany Study

Good decisions are based on accurate information and data. In case of the use of external IT-services among mid-sized German companies no significant analysis that offers real-world business insights is conducted and/or made publicly available.

As independent association, specialised in IT services markets and business we aim to conduct a comprehensive analysis on the use of outsourcing from buyer and advisor side perspective in Germany.

Our aim is to focus on the German mid-market segment that represents a large percentage of the economy.

We are talking to IT departments and company leaders to create a realistic view on the standpoints of German IT-departments on the collaboration with external IT-services providers – inside and outside of Germany.

This will bring more transparency to the market and encourage decision makers in Germany to approach IT-outsourcing better prepared.

It will also help foreign IT-services providers and public organisations to better understand the German market for IT services and thus create better linkages and business relations.

Independent ICT market support for Germany and international markets

About and Contact


Phone: +49 (0)391 50558231

New! German Vendor Management Journal

New! German Vendor Management Journal (DE)

Um noch besser auf die individuellen Fragen und Bedürfnisse von Verantwortlichen, die Kooperationen mit externen Dienstleistern in IT und Backoffice planen und steuern, eingehen zu können, haben wir das deutsche Vendormanagement Journal gegründet – unabhängig, nicht-kommerziell und kostenlos.

Das Vendormanagement Journal gibt Einblicke in Best-Practices von deutschen Unternehmen, um es auch anderen Unternehmen und Verantwortlichen zu ermöglichen, Kooperationen mit externen Dienstleistern besser und effektiver zu planen und zu steuern.

Independent ICT market support for Germany and international markets

About and Contact


Phone: +49 (0)391 50558231

German Startup Workshop – International IT-Sourcing

New – Startup Initiative IT Sourcing

Outsourcing Journal re-launched

New news service – ICT Africa Journal